高松英会話ケビンズイングリッシュハウス より英語スピーチコンテスト結果のお知らせです!本当におめでとう!!!あなたたちは素晴らしい!
Congratulations on the speech contest results, from Takamatsu Eikaiwa Kevin’s English House!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!
Great news!!! In November, 2 of our students represented Kagawa in the Junior High School English Speech Contest! Congratulations, Rinko and Aika!! These two also took top awards in the Takamatsu Elementary School English Recitation contest a few years ago. Around that time, their older siblings also won junior high school English speech contest. Wow!
Also, Ryoka got the (Japanese name) Award for the Takamatsu (Japanese name) English Speech Contest. As an added bonus of getting this award, she also passes the first stage for a special program to study abroad. I’m sure she’ll pass the other stages with flying colors. She also won a top award for her speech while in junior high school last year. Wow, again!
We also had Chisato come in and give some advice for the students regarding voice, breathing and presentation skills. Thank you so much for your help once again! Yukari enjoyed your class, too.