遥さん、英語スピーチコンテスト入賞おめでとう! Congratulations on the English Speech Contest, Haruka

高松市 英会話教室 ケビンズ イングリッシュ ハウス  高円宮杯全日本中学英語弁論大会入賞
Haruka with her award for being a finalist in the national English speech contest.

Scroll down for English.


,高松市英会話教室、スピーチコンテスト、弁論大会、ケビンズ・イングリッシュ・ハウス、speech contest, Kevin's English House, Takamatsu English school
ハルカさんが全日本中学校英語弁論大会の県大会で最優秀賞に選ばれ、協賛の四国コカ・コーラボトリングから記念の盾が贈られました。Haruka receives an additional award from Coca Cola.




We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Kevin D. Cozma

I am enjoying writing to you to and will try to write a small letter and blog entry (the blog has pictures, and you can also comment) every month or two.

Congratulations, Haruka!

Have you heard or read about Haruka Miyake?  I am asking you this because she has been in the newspaper lately.  She is a 3rd year Fuzoku Junior High School student.   She has also been a student at my house since she was 7 years old.  Recently, she won a prize in the Takamatsu English Speech Contest.  She went on to win the Kagawa English Speech Contest, and was able to represent Kagawa at the National English Speech Contest in Tokyo, WHERE SHE WAS A FINALIST.  She also won a special prize from Coca Cola Japan for her efforts and accomplishments.  Congratulations, Haruka.  Haruka made a great speech, but I want to remind everyone that she didn’t get better overnight.  She got better little by little.  My other young students can enter the contest in the future and do great, too.  Try.  Practice.  Believe.  You can do it.  Yukari, and I will do whatever we can to help you get where you want to go with your English.

Next month, I will write about a few other students who started at the same time as Haruka, and have continued studying English with me.  I will also explain some minor changes in my elementary school classes to help them get a better control of English faster.  Mainly free videos on my website (coming soon for kids and adults), and phonics.

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Kevin D. Cozma

「遥さん、英語スピーチコンテスト入賞おめでとう! Congratulations on the English Speech Contest, Haruka」への8件のフィードバック

  1. Hi,Kevin! Thank you for your blog entry. My comment is so late…

    Haruka is so great. Recently I also practice English conversation so hard because I meet British professor in Kobe next week. I am just a little worried about that meeting in English, but will try my best.

    You can find my blog if you click my name in this comment.

    1. Hello, Kazutaka. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Yeah, Haruka is great. Your English is coming along very well, too. I checked out your blog. When is the English version coming?

      Just kidding.

  2. Waaaaa!
    We hard about this homepage today in the school!
    Look at my homepage too!

  3. Horn concerto

    Hi!I’m a junior high school student.
    Haruka is my senior.
    I respect her very much.
    I LOVE my senior very much!

    I respect Kevin too!I like your class.
    I am looking forward to attend your English class.
    I enjoy your class so much.

  4. Hey, nice English, Horn Concerto.

    Yeah, I respect Haruka, too. She is a very dedicated and intelligent girl.

    I’m very glad that you enjoy my class. I love teaching English. Your English is very good, so please speak a lot in class.



  5. traveler of life

    Congratulations HARUKA!

    And I proud.

    I can study at same house(school).

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Traveler of Life! I’ll tell Haruka you say congratulations. I’m very happy that both you and Haruka are studying at my house.

