英会話生徒 60ヶ国!

Toshiaki has been to more than 60 countries.  Read his story below.


(Scroll Down For English)


Q.1 当英会話教室Kevin’s English Houseに来ている生徒の中でも、あなたはかなり慣れた旅行者です。今までに何か国を訪れていますか?

A. 60か国以上。

Q.2 英語を勉強していることは旅行先でどのように役立っていますか?

A. 以前に一人旅でベルギーを訪れたことがあります。ベルギーは英語圏ではないのですが、空港で目的のホテルを尋ねたり等、英語ができて助かったことがたくさんありました。一人旅をする時には英語が話せるのは本当に役立ちます。

Q.3 お気に入りの国は?

A. アルゼンチンのウシュアイアです。私が訪れた地で、最遠方かつ最南方。ホーン岬までは行っていません。現地で地図を眺め、今こんなに遠くまで来ているのだと感激しました。

Q.4 Kevin’s English Houseやクラスなどについて一言。

A. カナディアンジョークが盛りだくさんの面白い先生が教えてくれて、クラスはとても楽しいです。Kevin先生は日本語も分かるので、安心してレッスンに参加できます。

Q.5 こんなに頻繁に海外を訪れるようになった最初のきっかけは?

A. 好奇心旺盛?古くは、小学生低学年の時に自転車で十数キロ離れた親戚宅へ一人で往復。高校2年の夏休み、バイクで九州一周。高校3年の夏休み、バイクで北海道一周。就職してからはまとまった休みが取れない環境だったので、行けませんでした。40歳でサラリーマンを辞め、語学(英語・中国語)を習い、年に1~2回ツアーで海外へ。


Q.6 これから海外旅行をしたいと思っている人に何かアドバイスを。

A. やっぱり盗難のリスクの軽減でしょうか?私はパスポートは首からぶらさげています。置き忘れないように・・・。お金も分散してポケットやバッグに。あとは、皆とはぐれてパスポートだけで一人になっても帰国できる英語力を身につける!

Q.7 英語の他に勉強している言語は?

A. スペイン語と中国語です。スペイン語は、中南米に行った時に英語だけでは通じないかなと思ったのと、中国語は、知っていれば13億人の人と話せると思い、勉強を始めました。

Q.8 その他に何か?

A. 高山病の経験があります。ペルーのクスコ(標高3700m)からマチュピチュ往復でなりました。当時の私の知識不足が原因でした。予防策は、水分補給・深呼吸・急の付く動作はしないこと(酸欠につながるので)です。

This is an interview with Toshiaki, a very well-traveled student at Takamatsu Eikaiwa Kevin’s English House.  He truly has traveled the word and the students and I love hearing of his travels and seeing his photos.  He has been coming here for years, and has also been bringing his grandson Koki here since he was three years old.  Not surprisingly, one of Koki’s first words in English was airplane.

Q.1  Your claim to fame at Kevin’s English House is that you are a very seasoned traveler. How many countries have you been to?

  1. Over 60 countries.

Q.2  How has English helped you in your travels?

  1. I have been to Belgium by myself before. Belgium is not an English speaking country, but I could use English at the airport to ask for directions. It helped me a lot during the trips where I could speak English. It is very useful that you can speak English especially when you are traveling alone.

Q.3  What is your favorite country to visit? Why?

  1. Ushuaia in Argentina. This is the southernmost and farthest country that I’ve ever been to. I didn’t go to Cape Horn. I saw a map there and realized how far I’d been. I was very emotional.

Q.4  Can you say something about Kevin’s English House, the classes, or the classmates?

  1. The class is taught by an interesting teacher with plenty of Canadian jokes. It’s a lot of fun. He also understands Japanese, so I can participate in the class without worries.

Q.5  When did you first start thinking of traveling so much?

  1. I’ve always been curious? When I was in grade 1 or 2, I visited my relative by bike, whose house was more than 10 kilometerss away. In the summer of grade 11, I went all around Kyusyu by motorcycle. In the summer of grade 12, I went all around Hokkaido by motorcycle. After I started working, I didn’t travel because I couldn’t take a long vacation. I quit my job at the age of 40, started learning English and Chinese, and started going abroad on a tour once or twice a year.

It was about 8 years ago that I started traveling more often after I got a JAL air mile card. I use the card to pay for my plane tickets, and save 1% as mileage. I travel a lot and finally I could get tickets for free by using my air miles.

Q.6  What advice do you have for people who want to travel around the world?

  1. I think my advice is how to cut down the risk of theft. I always wear my passport around my neck, so that I don’t leave it behind. I also put money in different places, like pockets and bags. And the other thing that you need is English. Even though you get lost and are all alone with your passport, you can speak English and find your way!

Q.7  What other languages do you study?

  1. Spanish and Chinese. I started studying Spanish when I went to South and Central America. I thought English might not be enough. I started studying Chinese because it would help me communicate with 1.3 blillion people.

Q.8  Is there anything else you would like to say?

  1. I have suffered mountain sickness. I got it on the way from Cusco in Peru to Machu Picchu. That happened because of a lack of my knowledge. It can be prevented by having enough water, breathing deeply, and moving slowly.
