大学入試突破、おめでとう!Congratulations on Your Entrance Examinations!

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Haruka at Tokyo University.
Haruka at Tokyo University.

Taku, you will be a great doctor.
Taku, you will be a great doctor.
Yukino at Tokyo University of Foreign Languages.
Yukino at Tokyo University of Foreign Languages.

I’d like to congratulate some of our students who recently passed their university entrance examination tests.  It was imperative that their English tests were great to enter these universities, and I’m glad that I could help them achieve their dreams!  Congratulations to (in alphabetical order) Haruka for entering Tokyo University; Taku  for entering Ehime Medical University; and Yukino for entering Tokyo University of Foreign Languages.  You and your parents said you couldn’t have done it without me.  Of course that’s not true, but you made me feel great saying so.  You all will do great in school.  We are very proud of you and look forward to hearing about your successes in university and beyond.