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先月、毎年行われている中学校英語弁論大会に出場し、見事な成績を修めた3人の生徒についてお知らせしましたが、今回もう少し詳しく皆様にお伝えしたいと思います。この3人は、幼稚園に通っていた頃からずっとケビンズ イングリッシュ ハウスで英会話の勉強をしてきました。
ケビンズ イングリッシュ ハウス(高松市英会話教室)から上記の3人が中学校英語弁論大会に出場し、こんなに見事な成績を残しました。本当におめでとう!あなた方を誇りに思います。この弁論大会に出場した教室の生徒は上記の3人だけだったのですが、私が現在教えている中学2年生と3年生は15人ですので、それを考えるとその中から3人もこんなに見事な結果を出した生徒がいて、本当に嬉しいです。この弁論大会に必要なものは、ただ単に英語の能力だけではなく、プレゼンテーションのスキルや個々の性格などもありました。上記の3人はこれらを全て持っていたのです。過去何年もの間、私は、市や県、全国での英語スピーチコンテストで賞を獲得した生徒を多く指導する機会に恵まれましたが、この3人はその中でも優秀です。(ここにもう一人、私の教室から数年前に同じ弁論大会に出場したスーパースターがいます!- 三宅遥さん) 彼らのうち1人だけ夏休みに海外でホームステイをした経験がありますが、それも数週間で、つまり3人とも週に一度の私の英会話レッスンに通い、それぞれが個人でも努力した結果がここに成功として現れたわけです。弁論大会の会場ではビデオ撮影が禁止されていましたが、代わりに大会後に教室で撮影したスピーチのビデオがあります。短く編集していますが、もしこの3人のパフォーマンスをご覧になりたいようでしたら途中に載せていますので、どうぞご覧になってください。
Three of my students at Kevin’s English House (Takamatsushi Eikaiwa) entered the Takamatsu City Junior High School Recitation and Speech Contest. All of these students have studied at Kevin’s English House since they were in Kindergarten. Congratulations! You did great. We are very proud of you.
Michiru Ogawa got first place in the recitation, Shoichiro Nakano got second in the recitation, and Shota Nomura shared the top prize with 2 other students and moved on to the prefectural contest. In the prefectural contest, Michiru Ogawa received the top prize for the recitation, and Shota Nomura was in the top five in the speech contest. I only had three students enter, and they did great. I only teach 16 students in the 2nd and 3rd grade, so to have 3 students do so well in one year makes me very happy.
It takes not only English skills, but presentation skills, and a special personality type to do well in such a contest. These 3 have it all. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of coaching many students who won awards in speech contests at local, regional, and national levels. These 3 are among the best. Here is another one of our English superstars from a few years ago, Haruka Miyake. Only one of these kids has ever been abroad and it was only for 1 month. They succeeded by coming to my class once a week, and trying hard. It is forbidden to take videos at the contest, but I recorded them in my classroom. If you would like to see a clip of them performing their speeches, watch the short video below.
What makes this story even more interesting, and a fact I didn’t even know, is that these three actually studied English together in kindergarten at my school. Above is a picture. Can you tell who is who? All of them continued studying English here, but in different classes. They had forgotten that they had studied together when they were young. At the Takamatsu speech contest, the mothers (who hadn’t seen each other for many years) realized that the kids had studied together when they were younger and were now in the same contest. They were very happily surprised. It is cool how things work out sometimes.
On a side note, I would like to add that Michiru was so shy when she first started that she couldn’t come to my class by herself, and she didn’t speak at all in my class for 1 whole year, Wow! What an incredible change. Never give up!
I’d also like to congratulate Rinko and Aika who got top prizes in the elementary school contest in the spring. I congratulated them in a letter, but not on the blog, yet. I coached these two, and they got 2 of the top 5 scores. After the event, a native English speaker from the audience even came up to Aika and complemented her on her pronunciation. Rinko’s sister got a prize last year, and Aika’s brother is doing great in English at school, getting great scores on school and EIKEN tests. It is great to see families study and excel together.
Hello Kevin, how are you doing.I’m Tak.Thanks to your English lessons, I passed the entrace exam of Ehime Medical School.I hope I can see you again.
That’s fantastic, Tak. I’m very happy for you. You were a great student, and you’ll be a great doctor. Yeah, I’d love to see you, too. Please email me at [email protected] when you are free.